
Maximizing Operational Efficiency in the Supply Chain with OEE: Definition, Calculation, and KPIs

In the industrial sector, maximizing operational efficiency is crucial to ensure the profitability and competitiveness of a company. One of the key metrics used to evaluate and improve efficiency is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), a well-established measure that provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of a production plant. In this article, we will explore in detail what OEE is, how to calculate it, and how to use it as a KPI to drive continuous improvement.

Definition of OEE

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a performance indicator used to evaluate the efficiency of a machine or a production plant. It is based on three key factors:

  1. Availability: The percentage of time the equipment is available for production compared to the total planned time.
  2. Performance: The actual production speed compared to the ideal theoretical speed of the machine or plant.
  3. Quality: The ratio between good production and total production, measured as a percentage.

Each component is assessed separately and then combined to obtain the overall OEE, which provides an integrated view of operational performance.

Calculating OEE

Calculating OEE in the supply chain involves evaluating the three main components (availability, performance, and quality) across different processes. For example:


OEE Calculation - Availability


OEE Calculation - Performance


OEE Calculation - Quality

Once the values of availability, performance, and quality are obtained for each process in the supply chain, the overall OEE can be calculated using the same formula applied in production.

Using OEE as a KPI

Using OEE as a KPI in the Supply Chain allows companies to identify inefficiencies, improve processes, and increase the overall profitability of the business. Additionally, integrating OEE with an MES (Manufacturing Execution System) enables more effective management of operational processes by providing real-time data and tools for performance analysis. Some benefits include:

  • Optimal production and distribution planning: By combining the use of an MES system and OEE calculation, companies can plan production and distribution more efficiently, taking into account the actual capacities and performance of processes in the supply chain.
  • Proactive resource management: Monitoring OEE allows businesses to quickly identify issues and inefficiencies in processes and take timely action to address them, ensuring optimal use of available resources.
  • Tracking and improving performance: By integrating OEE with an MES system, businesses can track performance over time, identify trends, and take corrective actions to continually improve operational efficiency.
  • Alignment of business goals: Using OEE as a KPI, both at the operational and strategic levels, ensures alignment between performance goals and broader business objectives, enabling sustainable and targeted growth.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a valuable tool for evaluating and improving operational efficiency in the supply chain. By using OEE as a KPI and integrating it with an MES system, companies can gain a clear view of process performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to maximize the overall efficiency of the supply chain.

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